I Tried Oil Pulling

By Tuesday, October 28, 2014 , , , ,

Hello Beauties, 

When it comes to natural beauty treatment, I love to try things. Why? I want to look good without spending a fortune. I heard Oil Pulling from Shaaanxo Beauty Group. Many people on the group tried it, so I decided to give it a go.

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayuverda healing where oil is swished and held in the mouth for about 20 minuets. The benefit of oil pulling is as teeth whitening as well as improve oral health, reduce headache and other health benefit. 

There are many kinds of oil that can be used for oil pulling such as coconut oil, olive oil,vegetable oil, and sesame oil. The most common oil to do oil pulling is coconut oil because it taste nice, I heard from people who tried oil pulling using olive oil and they said it taste gross.

How I do it:

  • Put one table spoon oil into the mouth. I use virgin coconut oil. I prefer to melt it before putting it into my mouth, it taste more pleasant
  • Swish for 20 minuets. It will be hard. For the first time, I only did it for 7 minuets. As I do it a lot more I can swish the oil for 20 minuets.
  • Split it to trash can. Coconut oil can solidify and block the sink
  • Brush teeth.
  • Do it 3 times a week for the best result. 

How to kill time when Oil Pulling?

Usually I take a shower and wash my hair, my shower routine is around 20 minuets (I count procrastinating in bed). Or I'm doing head to toe home spa, time will fly so fast. I also like to watch Youtube videos and binge watch anime to kill time.

My thoughts about Oil Pulling
After some time , I feel that my teeth is become whiter. I don't feel that oil pulling help me to sleep better as some people said. I feel my flu gone quicker as it is easier for me to spit the snot after oil pulling. Yes, I will continue doing it to whiten my teeth as well as to feel further benefit of oil pulling.

Have you tried oil pulling?


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  1. Belajar yang baru lagi nih...jadi kayak dikumur2 gitu ya sis? udah berapa lama sis cobain?
    Ah..the promise of whitening your teeth at the comfort of your own home sound greaat ^^

    salam kenal ^^

  2. Iya dikumur-kumur. Aku udah sebulan lebih. Iya salam kenal :)
