WCW: Jamie Sullivan
If you like romance/drama movies. I guess you already saw or at least heard about A walk to remember. It's my favourite romance movie of all time ( don't underestimate me, I watched A LOT I mean I A LOT of romance movies) I love the stories, especially,I adore Jamie. She's a girl with a perfect personality in my eyes.
1. She has faith
She believe in something and she mean it. She believe in Landon when everyone is not believe in him. He changed to be a man that Jamie see and get into medical school.
2.But she doesn't force people to believe what she believe
Jamie is portrayed as religious girl. But she doesn't push her believe to Landon (or the others) and try to patronize people about her beliefs.
3. Her Personality
Nobody's perfect, Jamie's personality is close to perfect. Just see it in the movie, I don't even know how to explain it.
4. She doesn't care about what people say
Yes, her sweater is old and she only has one. Yes, her clothes is not the most stylish one. But she gets away with it. She knows that she's different and she's okay with it. That's kind of attitude that I like
5. Not give up with her illness
She got Leukimia, in the movie she never look sick ( except when she's really sick) and don't show people about her illness. She show how independent strong women should life.