How I Get Rid of Dandruff

By Thursday, October 30, 2014 , , ,

Hello Beauties,

I've been struggled to get rid of dandruff for years. More than 5 years if I'm not mistaken. I don't know how many times I switched shampoo or came to the doctor's office. That's always become a problem of mine. It's on and off for years and makes me crazy. Until my mom's friend told me about the magic of coconut oil.

How I use it?
I massage the oil into my scalp as well as put the oil all over my hair. I let the oil sit around 15 minuets before washing my hair. If I want to be a little bit fancy, I warm up the oil and make it as hot oil treatment and massage it into my scalp. 

The Result
If you have a severe dandruff like I do, you'll notice a big difference in the first treatment. I remove the dandruff and itchiness of the scalp. I do this treatment every time I wash my hair until it's getting better (around 2 weeks) after that I use it around 2 times a week. Not only help to get rid of dandruff but I also makes my hair healthy and shiny.

A little tip, try to avoid styling product to make sure the dandruff not coming back. 


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